Monday, October 12, 2015

Niu-ate-ive - 26 July 2015

Tagi Moucia (tang-ee moh-thee-ah) I use my Fijian very often yes.

Next is the title. Saturday we went to Lovoni which is inside  Ovalau. We arrived mid-day, then left 1 1/2 hours later. Well thus bus did not come as we had planned for, so we started to walk. We walked all the way out to the outside road. We walked for 1 hour 45 minutes before a taxi happened to pass by. We were late to the next place, so we just shared, and cancelled lunch. This brought us back close to time. From skipping lunch we were able to be only 10 minutes behind. The day went on and such from there, every second counted.

Back to the long walk though. While walking we found coconuts that were at one time tied together spread across the road. We picked them up, to find they were good coconuts. We picked up 5 in total. While walking Elder Kubera was thirsty, and found a stick, he husked the coconut, then cracked it up with a rock. Then ate a bit of the coconut. True native right? We had some laughs before moving on.

We have this old man we teach. This week we went to teach, and he was about to go shower, but we shared before he went. When we walked back down, As E. Kubera walked near the bathroom our investigator turned around and said this, just in Fijian," I do not have a wife to clean my towel, but it is nothing (points into the air) amen!" Then wanders off through a cassava farm to the neighbors house to shower.

Other instances involve  someone asking if I would come back for them... I was shocked by the request and evaded with humor. I didn't want awkwardness to enter my mission. Ain't nobody got time for dat!

Elder MacLeod

Elder Kubera with Coconut and Stick