Monday, October 12, 2015

Cave of the stone that is lime - 20 September 2015

Yes that is true limestone cave, Sorry not much time for email we are in and out, just got back form the limestone cave in Wailotua no.1. There is a lot of history preserved with a tour that explains what cultural back grounds were, much was about the cannibalism and such. Not a pretty past, but a cool story.

I had a trip to Levuka, it was mostly a check on the missionaries out there, true I saw old faces, but it is not about visiting old faces, it is the work of the Lord. I did have a fun time though. We were on the move. I spent one day in our area.

We tried to make some district sulus, but they wanted to charge $60 for just the screen..... Rediculous, that is not even to buy the sulu.... I will send the picture I drew for our sulu print.

Sorry not much to say, we had fun, but it is in the moment stuff haha. Lots of being on the go, transfers will be called tomorrow, so I will tell you changes next week. 

Elder MacLeod