Sunday, January 24, 2016

Mission Tour - 6 December 2015

This week was with mission tour and putting in more than 2 cents where ever we are for our week. I may not have said anything during mission tour or MLC but we did work if our off time. We currently have 5 baptismal dates set. We are working on setting a 6th, 2 are for this months, 3 for next month, possibly another to be set next month.

That is work wise for us. Other things are the normal run here then here, trying to make sure nothing falls apart.
I finally saw my MTC companion for the first time in ages I got a selfie with him at our combined qito. 

On Friday, we did these little games after dinner one called big buhda. It was funny to see them do, we then shared a thought with them before we left. I will show you all big buhda when I return, as well as some other games. Moce jos
Elder MacLeod